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Elitech in the World

Elitech is a professional leader in the design, development, and manufacture of cold chain solutions, offering high quality products and service globally to multiple critical industries including life science, air quality and HVAC. 

Global Reach

United States:
Elitech Technology, Inc.
Tel:(+1) 408-844-4070
Address: 2528 Qume Drive #2, San Jose, CA 95131, US

United Kindom:
Elitech (UK) Limited
Tel: (+44) 208-858-1888
Address: 53 Norman Road, London, SE10 9QF UK

ELitech Brazil Ltda
Tel: (+55) 51-3939-8634
Address: Canoas - RS, 92410-695, Brazil

Elitech Plska Sp. Z.O.O
Tel: (+48) 605-885-502
Address: ul. Wilanowska 205-509 Józefosław

Elitech Russia
Tel: (+7) 915-167-2810
Address: 5th Donskoy Drive, No.15, Moscow, Russia